
Welcome to Bible Copy Club

Bible Copy Club is a daily email containing a short 5-10 verse passage from the Bible for you to copy by hand. Join 100’s of others around the world building an eternal legacy in 5 minutes per day. BCC is God's word in your hand.

A notebook with a pen lying on it with scripture copied out by hand
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Putting our pens down for a week

Meditation Reader, One of the features of Bible Copy Club is that we take priodic breaks during the year. We do this to help maintain momentum and to keep the experience fresh for our subscribers. It's easy for even the most enjoyable emails to become "wallpaper" after a while and we strive to avoid that. Typically, we take a rest every fourth to fifth week, and it's been six weeks since our mid-summer break. So this week, we won't be sending our daily emails and prompts, but we'll be back...

Image of a dawn sky

Meditation Reader, This week's passage concludes with a final description of the New Jerusalem and the discovery that the glory of God will be the source of light and that there will be no night. It will be a place of unblemished purity, security, and direct communion with God. Whereas the previous passages expressed these qualities by describing the dimensions, embellishments, and construction of the New Jerusalem, this passage states them in terms of absences. No temple, No sun, no moon, no...

Image of a night sky

Meditation Reader, Today's passage describes the dimensions and materials of the new Jerusalem in vivid and elaborate detail. As with yesterday's passage, the numbers stand out to demonstrate order, perfection, and completeness. The counting out of the stones foundation by foundation and the repetition of the number twelve, with twelve gates, twelve angels, and twelve foundations named for each of the twelve apostles. Writing out today's passage highlights the magnificent beauty and grandeur...

Lithograph of a new earth from Mortiers Bible

A new heaven and new earth. Revelation cap 21. Mortier's Bible. Phillip Medhurst Collection Meditation Reader, Today's passage from Revelation 21: 9-14 is a visionary description of the New Jerusalem, the holy city that descends from heaven. In this passage, the apostle John is given a glimpse of the glorious city and is taken by an angel to witness its beauty and magnificence. As I copied this out, the repetition of numbers and the even syntax combined to create a sense of perfect order and...

Image of a rainbow sky over the mountains

Meditation Reader, The introduction to today’s passage writes itself… or rather was written for us. John was commanded to write these words down, because they are “trustworthy and true” so we would have a record of them to hold fast to. Today's text is Revelation 21: 5-8 Revelation 21 A New Heaven and a New Earth 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” 6 He said to me: “It is done. I am...

Image of a dawn sky

Meditation Reader, This week we're in the book of Revelation. Today's passage from Revelation 21 speaks of the new heaven and earth, where there will be no more death, pain, or tears. Emphasizing the presence of God among his people, as he will wipe away every tear and make all things new. Copying this out, I was struck by the exclusion of the sea from the new creation. In antiquity, the sea was often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, representing a barrier between people and God. The...

Man praises God in a desert landscape

Meditation Reader, Up to this point, the blessings and benefits of wisdom have been stated as benefits to a life well lived. Health, vibrant life and freedom from fear. Now as the writer reaches the conclusion of this proverb he states a series of commands. A series of admonitions that provide specific instructions on things to avoid. Notably, they are aimed specifically at personal relationships. How you treat those around you, your neighbors is an accurate index of the state of your...

A star-filled sky at night

Meditation Reader, Today's lines show that wisdom is sewn into the fabric of the universe. It lies at the foundation of the world and conditions our daily environment. To live outside of God's wisdom is to flout the very laws that govern our ordered universe. It's beyond foolish, inviting chaos, first your foot may stumble, but eventually if you continue on you'll become snared. Today's text is Proverbs 3: 19-26. I've provided yesterday's lines for context and catch-up in grey. Proverbs 3 13...

Bible quote on the lintel of a building

Meditation Reader, Today's passage begins and ends with the word "blessed." To find wisdom is to be blessed. Following on from the encouragement to humbly trust the Lord’s instruction and discipline, today's passage increases in emotional intensity. Wisdom is not only more precious than anything else we can gain on earth but also is the way to true peace and abundant life. Today's text is Proverbs 3 : 13-18. I've included yesterday's verses in grey for context and catch up. Proverbs 3 Blessed...

A well used and care-worn sepia colored Bible

Meditation Reader, Today's verses paint a picture of an endlessly generous father who yearns to bless his children. Our blessings, our wealth, our possessions, and our harvests are first and foremost his. We are his stewards; we are not owners. Often, these blessings come in things we call "good" and sometimes through hardship and trial. But however, they are expressed they are always from the true heart of a father. Who always knows and always seeks our good. Submitting to his discipline and...